Speech Therapy for Reading and Spelling
“If a child could do well, they would do well”
If your child is struggling with literacy there is a reason.
Let’s identify what is holding your child back so they are not left behind.
Your child may know they are struggling with literacy as early as the first term of prep. It can impact on their beliefs about themselves as a learner, reader or speller.
Children who struggle with literacy can:
- have school refusal
- become withdrawn
- have tantrums and tears with literacy activities
- become the class clown
Our therapy approach starts with identifying what your child is struggling with and our therapy is based on a success based step by step approach.
Ready to stop the struggle!
5 Reasons Children Struggle to Learn to Read
In this series, Melinda talks about the 5 main reasons children struggle to learn to read. Plus a bonus video and ebook on the topic
Video 1- Letters
Video 2- Blending
Video 3- Phonics
Video 4 – Long Words
Video 5 – Reading Comprehension
Bonus Video – Reading Stamina