Funding for Speech Therapy

Here is some information about the funding options available that may make therapy for your child more affordable.

If you have extras cover with your private health fund you may receive a rebate for your sessions.  

All our Speech Pathologists are registered with Private Health Providers.

Every health fund rebates a different amount and often have different rebate amounts for the initial and subsequent therapy sessions.  Please contact your health fund directly to see if you are covered for Speech Therapy and what your rebate will be.

You are not able to use both Medicare and private health rebates for the same session.

Medicare Safety Net Threshold

Once your family reaches the Medicare Safety Net Threshold you may receive higher rebates for the remainder of the calendar year.

If you know that your family will reach this threshold it may be beneficial to use Medicare item numbers once you have reached the threshold and use other funding options before you reach it.

Safety Net

Chronic Disease Management Plan (previously EPC)


If your GP deems that your child has chronic and complex care needs they may provide you with a care plan enabling you to claim up to five rebated sessions in a calendar year.

A chronic condition is one that has been present for six months or longer. Clients have complex care needs if they need ongoing care from a multidisciplinary team consisting of their GP and at least two other health care providers, one of which may be a speech pathologist.

Currently the rebate is $60.35, more if your family has reached the medicare safety net.

Please note that rebateable sessions can only be provided from the date of the plan. Any unused sessions can be used in the following year but they will be counted as part of the five for that year.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders


If your child is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent you may be eligible for a further 5 sessions if your GP deems that they are eligible and they have had a health assessment.

Currently the rebate is $60.35, more if your family has reached the medicare safety net.


Helping Children with Autism / Disability


A Paediatrician or Psychiatrist can provide a letter to refer a child with autism (including PDD NOS and aspergers) for rebated sessions.

A GP or Paediatrician can provide a letter to refer a child identified with a disability (see the Disability tab for a full list of conditions) for rebated sessions.

These sessions are typically shared between a range of allied health professionals such as Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists.

  • Up to 4 diagnostic / assessment sessions (for a child under 13 years)
  • Up to 20 therapy sessions (for a child under 15 years of age, providing a treatment and management plan is in place before their 13th birthday).

Currently the rebate is $85.20, more if your family has reached the medicare safety net.


NDIS is not income based but based on the needs of the person with disabilities. We are not registered with NDIS as a provider but can see self managed and plan managed clients.
Check this page for how to apply and eligibility.
Essentially you need to phone 1800 800 110 and ask to make an Access Request.  Once you receive your request and complete the details and attach all relevant reports we suggest you drop it into your nearest office which for most of us is Chermside as posting can delay the process by two weeks.

If your child is between the ages of 0-6 you will need to phone 1300 003 234 as NDIS for this age group is managed by the Benevolent Society.
Click here to find out more information on ECEI program.

Please give us as much notice as possible if you will need a report or a letter when applying.  We have found so far that most people who just completed the form provided were rejected but with additional information this decision was reversed.

If you have been approved for NDIS and provided with a plan we don’t need to see the plan or know how much money you have been provided with but we will need to know the goals you are working towards.

Confused and not sure who to pick as a planner.  We have found these plan managers know what they are doing, plus provide fast payments.

Emily’s Hope ph (07) 3155 6559   email or

Our families with Emily’s Hope have really been incredibly happy with their service.


Bespoke Lifestyles ph (07) 3368 1010  email


You are not able to use Medicare or private health rebates for a session you will claim from NDIS.



The Carer’s Allowance provides carer’s with a fortnightly payment to support the costs of caring for a child with developmental delays or disabilities. An application must be signed by a GP, Paediatrician, Psychologist or Speech Pathologist who is familiar with the child. This allowance is not assets or means tested.

more info

Foster Children

If your child is a foster child then the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services may pay or refund the costs of therapy if they have identified the child as being eligible.


We have worked with many different insurance providers to provide therapy for children who have been involved in motor vehicle accidents.


Occasionally a charity may fund a child to attend regular therapy sessions or an initial assessment.