by Melinda Cassells | Monpm24, 09202493005 2024Australia/BrisbanepmMon, 02 Sep 2024 17:52:28 +1000 | Uncategorised
Have you ever noticed how much you can say with just a raise, a lower, or a pinch of your eyebrows? We put such little thought into our eyebrows, but these small parts of our body have a big impact on communication. Our eyebrows are key to communicating our emotional...
by Melinda Cassells | Satpm23, 07202373102 2023Australia/BrisbanepmSat, 29 Jul 2023 14:01:06 +1000 | Feeding
Being a parent is incredible and life with children brings moments of joy, wonder, and occasional challenges. One such challenge that many parents face is dealing with picky eating. It’s easy to become frustrated or worried when your little one turns up their...
by Melinda Cassells | Satpm14, 09201493001 2014Australia/BrisbanepmSat, 27 Sep 2014 13:30:19 +1000 | Fluency, Literacy, Parents are the key, Speech
Have you ever wondered what happens when the parachute fails to open? You reach for the reserve parachute and it too fails. Most of the time you die. On a very rare occasion, you live. 30 years ago I met the couple who shaped how I work and my beliefs about speech...